
FreeCAD: How to manage dimensions with a spreadsheet?

FreeCAD 0.19

In this section, we explain how to manage dimensions (i.e numerical parameter) of sketches, extrusion, chamfering, etc... with a spreadsheet.

Preparing spreadsheet

  1. Switch workbench to Spreadsheet workbenchSpreadsheet workbench and make new spreadsheetSpreadsheet.

  2. Change the spread sheet name to identify easily. Right-click the sheet in model-tree and select [Rename] to change the name to "MyDimensions".

    Rename the sheet
    Rename the sheet
  3. Make a table of dimension values. Right-click one of the cells tht has numerical value and select [Properties...] to display the "Cell properties" dialog.

  4. On "Alias" tab in "Cell properties" dailog, enter "H_length" as cell name. Click OK to close the dialog and the named cell's color will change to yellow.

    Set name to the cell
    Set name to the cell

    Repeat the same operation and set any names to all cells which have numerical value.

Using the values on spreadsheet as a shape's numerical parameter

As an example, let's use the values ​​on the sheet for the sketch dimensions.

  1. Open existing sketch to change editing-mode, and double-click a dimensional constraint to show a setting dialog.

    Dimensional constraint setting dialog for sketch
    Dimensional constraint setting dialog for sketch
  2. Click the formula iconformula icon on the right side of the numeric input field to show the Formula editor. Then specify a cell on the sheet in the format "Sheet-name.Cell-name" ("MyDimensions.H_length" in this example).

    Formula editor
    Formula editor

    Click OK to close the dialog. So the specified cell's value will be apllied and the constraint's color change to orange.

    Orange colored constraint
    Orange colored constraint

Now that the dimensions of the shape are defined by the values ​​on the sheet. If you change the values ​​on the sheet, the dimensions of the shape will change accordingly. You can use the values ​​on the sheet everywhere for dimensions with formula iconformula icons as well as sketches.

Formula icon of pad operation
Formula icon of pad operation
Formula icon of pocket operation
Formula icon of pocket operation

Discard the setting

If you want to discard cell reference which is applied above, click formula iconformula icon to show Formula editor and click Clear button.

Formula editor
Formula editor
