Water dripping onto a convex floor

OpenFOAM 4.x

Case directory



We calculate a water flow that dripping onto convex floor and flowing across the floor. By using a liquid film model, we can calculate the water flow without having to refine the mesh around the floor. We will calculate the flow for 20 seconds.

Model geometry Model geometry

The properties of the discrete particles are defined in the file "reactingCloud1Properties" in the directory "constant". The dropping position is defined in the file "parcelInjectionProperties" in the same directory as shown below, and it is referenced in the injectionModels setting of the file "reactingCloud1Properties".

// (x y z) (u v w) d rho mDot T Cp (Y0..Y2)
    (0 1.95 -0.2) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
    (0 1.95    0) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)
    (0 1.95  0.2) (0 -5 0) 0.001 1000 0.002 300 4200 (1)

The liquid film model is set up in the file "surfaceFilmProperties" in the directory "constant" as follows.

surfaceFilmModel thermoSingleLayer;
regionName      wallFilmRegion;
active          true;

    filmThermoModel liquid;
        useReferenceValues  no;
        liquid      H2O;
    filmViscosityModel liquid;
    deltaWet    1e-4;
    hydrophilic no;
    turbulence  laminar;
        Cf          0.005;
    injectionModels ();
    phaseChangeModel none;
    radiationModel none;
        heatTransferModel constant;
            c0                1e-8;
        heatTransferModel constant;
            c0                1e-8;

The meshes are as follows. The thickness of the mesh for the liquid film model is 1 mesh.

Meshes for the space Meshes for the space
Meshes for the liquid film model Meshes for the liquid film model
Meshes for the liquid film model (zoomed) Meshes for the liquid film model (zoomed)

The calculation result is as follows.

Water on the floor at 0.5 (deltaf) Liquid film thickness on the floor at 0.5 (deltaf)
Water on the floor at 3 (deltaf) Liquid film thickness on the floor at 3 (deltaf)
Water on the floor at 10 (deltaf) Liquid film thickness on the floor at 10 (deltaf)
Water on the floor at 20 (deltaf) Liquid film thickness on the floor at 20 (deltaf)


cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/lagrangian/reactingParcelFilmFoam/cylinder cylinder
cd cylinder

cp -rf 0.orig 0

extrudeToRegionMesh -overwrite

paraFoam -touch
paraFoam -touch -region wallFilmRegion



After making the meshes for the space with blockMesh, the liquid film model are made by extruding the floor meshes with the utilities topoSet and extrudeToRegionMesh.

Calculation time

1 hours 2 minutes 4.63 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz