We deform the mesh so that it fit to the specified shape.
The final shape can be set by specifying the polygon shape file constant/triSurface/AcrossRiver.stl.gz as the boundary condition in the file 0/pointDisplacement.
AcrossRiver.stl is set to region minZ in the file 0/pointDisplacement.
minZ { type surfaceDisplacement; value uniform (0 0 0); velocity (10 10 10); geometry { AcrossRiver.stl { type triSurfaceMesh; } }; projectMode fixedNormal; projectDirection (0 0 1); wedgePlane -1; }
The deformation method can be specified in the file constant/dynamicMeshDict as follows.
dynamicFvMesh dynamicMotionSolverFvMesh; motionSolverLibs ("libfvMotionSolvers.so"); solver displacementSBRStress; displacementSBRStressCoeffs { diffusivity quadratic inverseDistance 1(minZ); }
The mesh will be deformed as follows.
26.34 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz