Capillary rise

OpenFOAM 4.x

Case directory



境界領域(下側) Model geometry

We calculate how the water in the pipe rises by capillary rise. The water side (region "inlet") and the air side (region "atmosphere") of the pipe are set to the same pressure, and no force is set to drive the liquid.

The wall of the pipe (region "wall") are set to no-slip condition and the contact angle with water is set to 45° in the file "0/alpha.water" as follows.


        type            constantAlphaContactAngle;
        theta0          45;
        limit           gradient;
        value           nonuniform List<scalar>


The calculation is performed as a two-dimensional problem with a single mesh in the Z direction.

The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 16820.

Mesh Meshes
Meshes (zoomed) Meshes (zoomed)

The calculation result is as follows.

Volume ratio of water at final time (alpha.water) Volume ratio of water at final time (alpha.water)
Volume ratio of water at final time (alpha.water, zoomed) Volume ratio of water at final time (alpha.water, zoomed)

We can see that the water surface is curved according to the contact angle that we set.


cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiphase/interFoam/laminar/capillaryRise capillaryRise
cd capillaryRise


cp 0/alpha.water.orig 0/alpha.water


Calculation time

38 minutes 49.31 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz
