Fluidized bed (Laminar)

OpenFOAM 4.x

Case directory



We calculate the air flow blowing in from the bottom of air-mixed sand for 2 seconds. The calculation is performed as a two-dimensional problem with one mesh in the z-direction.

Model geometry Model geometry

The physical properties of air and particles are set in the files "constant/phaseProperties", "constant/thermophysicalProperties.air", "constant/thermophysicalProperties.particles".

The turbulence settings for air and particles are set in the files "constant/turbulenceProperties.air" and "constant/turbulenceProperties.particles". Laminar flow (direct calculation) is used for the air, and a "particle-particle" pressure model is used for the particles. In this model, we calculates the pressure "p" of the phase from the volume ratio "α" based on the following equation.

p=g_0 \min(\exp(p_\alpha(\alpha-\alpha_{max})),e_{max})

In default configuration, pα=500、 emax=1000、αmax==0.62、g0=1000.

The meshes are as follows, and the number of mesh is 6000.

Mesh Meshes
Mesh Meshes (zoomed)

The calculation result is as follows.

Volume ratio of particles (alpha.particles)
Volume ratio of particles at initial time (alpha.particles) Volume ratio of particles at initial time (alpha.particles)
Volume ratio of particles at 0.6 sec (alpha.particles) Volume ratio of particles at 0.6 sec (alpha.particles)
Volume ratio of particles at 1 sec (alpha.particles) Volume ratio of particles at 1 sec (alpha.particles)


cp -r $FOAM_TUTORIALS/multiphase/twoPhaseEulerFoam/laminar/fluidisedBed fluidisedBed
cd fluidisedBed




Calculation time

18 minutes 16.93 seconds *Single, Inter(R) Core(TM) i7-2600 CPU @ 3.40GHz 3.40GHz